20 May 2000
Kee Co., Ltd 34 Regent Street London, U Dear Mr. White: Please accept our warmest congratulations on the establishment of your Guangzhou office. We at Deek Co., Ltd. wish you every success in this increased involvement in our complex. Should there be any way in which we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me personally. Yours faithfully, Tony Smith President -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 亲爱的怀特先生: 贵公司的广州分店开业,谨致贺意。我们帝科公司预祝贵公司在复杂的国内市场上,能有非凡的成就。 敝公司如能有所帮助,请尽管直接与我们联络。 董事长 托尼.斯密思敬上 2000年5月20日