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http://china.BagsNet.com   2007-04-29  来源:中国英才网









City Lights or Village Life?

by Jenny Ungless

Monster’s Career Life Coach

Traditionally, there’s been a physical and a cultural divide between people who work in the bright lights and the fast pace of a city environment, and those whose jobs are based somewhere quieter or more remote. Many of us who work in the city fantasise about a working world with a slower pace, less commuting and more fresh air, while those of us who are not city-based sometimes feel that we are missing out on the buzz and excitement of a fast-paced lifestyle. There’s no right or wrong answer, or course: its a case of what works best for you. Here’s how to make sure you’re in the right place.

First of all, what is most important to you: this will help you to see where your main base should be. Make a list of all the features of your working life which are affected by where you are based. So, if you work in the city centre, that might mean a long commute, long hours, high stress levels and lack of privacy. But it might also mean a great social life, better pay, and more choice about how you spend your free time. Similarly, if you work out of town, you might have a shorter or less stressful journey to work, a healthier environment and feel more part of a community. On the downside, you might have less variety, less money and less opportunity for promotion or career change.

These are sweeping generalisations, of course, but you get the point. The trick is to assess your current work situation, and then think about which of those factors is most important to you. If a great social life is number one on your priority list, then you need to make sure that you work somewhere where that is accessible to you.

It may be that, once you’ve done this assessment, it’s clear where you should be based and the kind of environment that works best for you. But often we want to have a bit of everything – and that’s increasingly achievable. Advances in technology and the increasing willingness of employers to embrace more flexible ways of working mean that it’s getting easier to have the best of both worlds. Here are some ideas to help you think about how you can adjust your working patterns to fit better with the lifestyle you want.

If you’re city-based and crave a bit more peace and quiet:

think about the scope for moving further away from your workplace and changing your working hours so that you don’t have a long commute every day. For example, could you work from home a couple of days a week, or work a “compressed” week, where you work all of your contracted hours in 4 days instead of 5?

would it be possible for you to have 2 bases? Lots of people work and stay in the city during the week, and go to their main home at weekends. If you’re resourceful, it might be possible to set up a reciprocal arrangement with someone who does the opposite of what you do.

if you work flexitime (or even if you don’t), think about trying to fit in one long weekend away every month. It doesn’t have to be anything especially glamorous or expensive, it’s just about getting some time to yourself and a change of scenery.

If you’re based away from the city, but would like a bit more action, some of the suggestions above also apply. It’s also worth thinking about some other options, e.g.:

explore the options for a secondment, either within your own company or to another one, which would given you the opportunity for a change of environment.

does your role offer any scope for occasional travel, for example conferences or courses? If not, could you move to a role where you were able to get out and about a bit more?

Whatever changes you’re considering, it’s important to “dip your toe in the water” and find out as much as possible about a different work environment before you make any big changes. Talk to friends and family whose work situation is different from you, and get them to be really honest about the downsides and well as the upsides. Remember, the grass is not always greener on the other side! 

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