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http://china.BagsNet.com   2011-06-07  来源:中国箱包网



    由于我的朋友及合伙人T.去世, 我公司宣告解散。此后公司仅在清帐的短期内存在。

    In consequence of the death of Mr. T., my much valued friend and partner, our late firm is dissolved, and the name will be continued so long as may be necessary for the liquidation of its affairs.

    我的重要合伙人T.先生最近去世, 其股份由我接受并接办公司业务。特此奉达。

   I respectfully inform you that, on account of the recent death of my much esteemed partner, Mr. T., I have acquired the business by purchasing my partner's shares in it.

    我们沉痛地奉告, 我公司合伙人O.先生于5月5日逝世。

    It is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the recent death of our parner, Mr. O., which occurred on the 5th May.



    兹通知, 过去15年中任我公司代理的Y.先生今后将为本公司业务担任签名责任。

    We inform you that Mr. Y., who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in future sign for the firm.

    谨此告知, 我公司授权在此服务多年的M.先生以代理签名事宜。

    We have to intimate to you that we have authorized Mr. M., who has been with us for many years, to sign for our firm per procuration.

    兹授予Y.先生代理我公司签名权, 其签名如下。

    I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. Y., whose signature is appended below.

    我的签名如下, 同时寄上将行使签名权的G.先生的签名, 请惠察。

    I refer you to my signature at foot, also to that of Mr. G., who will sign per procuration.


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