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la essence |
la essence, the art of fashion and it’s full of pleasure La essence has always based its creation concept on humanism and nvironmental protection. We praised our design to meet what people demand as well as human ergonomics for protection. The fonder advocates lifestyles of simplified fashion. La essence was funded in year 2000 after the fonder returned to Taiwan from his life of residing abroad. He once said: “ I want to be surrounded by pleasure, fashion, and art in a simple, ordinary life.” After he played and experimented with several materials, he made up his mind to use Neoprene to be the main body of the product design, and collaborated with Taiwanese tailors, to invent the one and only sewing techniques in the world. People will be stunning by the ombination the unique design with the flexibility of the Neoprene material. The real values which implicate in over 200 products we made, including laptop bags, mobile phone pouches, digital camera pouches, casual bags etc, is to reveal the purest truthfulness in our hearts. With the simplest design, and a touch of mysterious coloring and curvatures, you can easily realize its merits and its breathtaking beauty. This is also the reason why la essence sweep the world with its collections. 品 牌 介 绍 la essence一向以「人本、环保」为品牌诉求理念,自许从保护人体(body care)的角度及符合人的需求做出发,期望带给消费者一种具保护功能与可重复使用的环保概念「包件商品」。 la essence创办人,一直以来都过着独特且极简的品味生活,非常让人羡慕,在旅居异国多年后,吸收了世界各地不同的文化,2000年创立la essence 品牌,并以包件设计开发为未来方向,他在描述自己对产品设计所赋予的生命时,说:「我想要在平凡的生活中,到处充满乐趣,并享受着时尚与艺术」。之后;他在体验、玩尽各种材质后,决定以Neoprene作为未来产品设计的发展主体,充分利用Neoprene的弹性与丰富浓郁的色彩特性,毫无拘束挥洒出独特的商品造型与色彩搭配,让人惊艳不已。他更深入研究它的材质特性,并藉用台湾老师傅的丰富经验,创造出独步全球的特殊裁缝工法,在Neoprene的世界里,拥有傲视全球的地位。 确实;la essence至今所设计出的笔电包、手机包、相机包、时尚包等300多款系列商品,就是把心中最纯真的生活表现出来;带有一点迷幻的绝艳色彩,形塑极简,线条美的令人几近窒息,你可以更轻易体验它的价值,也是la essence能营销全球的哲学。 |