Y&T Handbag Factory is specialized in manufacturing of all kind of hand bag , with our over five years manufacturing experience and our professional design and sales team, we offer the most trendy, cost effective product and top quality service to our customer.
We have our experienced technical team for development, production, design and marketing. Furthermore our workers are also proficient in handbag industry.
Since our factory set up, with the enterprise spirit of honesty, strictness, evolution and innovation, Such continuous improvement strategy help us to becomes the most success portal to any wholesalers and retailers not only in China but also all over the world. Our product have been sold over east Europe, U.S, Canada, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, on the other hand we are still exploding oversea and domestic market.
In order to serve you better, we have launched one office in Guang Zhou and other in DongGuan City, Sincerely welcome you visit us and your product customize. You can also visit our web site www.yitengchina88.cn.alibaba.com for purchasing directly.
亿藤手袋厂 是专业从事手袋生产的工厂,并拥有五年以上手袋生产经验,以及我们专业的设计,销售队伍, 我们可以提供给客户以时尚,价优及高品质的服务.
自我们工厂成立以来,以我们认真的工作态度,严格的要求,不断的发展及创新,持续改善的策略使我们在国内外均有较大的客户群体.我们的产品已销往欧洲,美国,加拿大,韩国,日本以及香港, 我们仍不断的在开拓及发展国内外市场.
为了更好提供我们的服务, 我们在广州及东莞均设立了办事处, 欢迎广大客户参观我们的工厂以及查看您产品的生产状况,同时您也可以防问我们的网站www.yitengchina88.cn.alibaba.com 直接订购.