Guangzhou FUTONG Leather Factory is an enterprise which gathers the product development, dimensions production, market sales, the factory locates in Huadu Shiling of Guangzhou. The factory occupies 1000 square meters’ land, and own over 150 workers. The factory mainly produces the lady recreation handbag and recreation bag, add-ons produces the traveling case, purse, briefcase and so on. We use the best material, craftwork polish, and mainly sell to the Occident, Japan, Korea and other countries.
Guangzhou FUTONG Leather Factory own the excellent design personnel, the production department carry out the strict enterprise management, sparkplug the craft quality try for the best, the product have the stronger competition ability. Integrate the new science and technology classic craft in the design principle,sincerity service for each organization, group, enterprise and cooperation designing every kind of leather publicity gift, largess, keepsake, and leather gift.
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