elseif($_GET["sid"]||$_GET["action"] == "search"){
if($_GET["type"] != 5)
$num = 4;
//trade info
//$sql = "select * from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo where type='供应' order by postdate desc limit 20";
$sql="select * from(select ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.* from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo inner join (select a.uid,max(postdate) postdate from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo a inner join ".$tableHead."w_members b on a.uid=b.uid where b.sgroupid=1 group by a.uid) c on ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.uid=c.uid and ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.postdate=c.postdate union all select * from (select tb2.* from ".$tableHead."w_members tb1 inner join ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo tb2 on tb1.uid=tb2.uid and tb1.sgroupid > 1) as d) e where e.type='供应' order by e.postdate desc limit 20";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
//$sql = "select * from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo where type='采购' order by postdate desc limit 20";
$sql="select * from(select ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.* from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo inner join (select a.uid,max(postdate) postdate from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo a inner join ".$tableHead."w_members b on a.uid=b.uid where b.sgroupid=1 group by a.uid) c on ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.uid=c.uid and ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.postdate=c.postdate union all select * from (select tb2.* from ".$tableHead."w_members tb1 inner join ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo tb2 on tb1.uid=tb2.uid and tb1.sgroupid > 1) as d) e where e.type='采购' order by e.postdate desc limit 20";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
//$sql = "select * from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo where type='合作' order by postdate desc limit 20";
$sql="select * from(select ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.* from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo inner join (select a.uid,max(postdate) postdate from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo a inner join ".$tableHead."w_members b on a.uid=b.uid where b.sgroupid=1 group by a.uid) c on ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.uid=c.uid and ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.postdate=c.postdate union all select * from (select tb2.* from ".$tableHead."w_members tb1 inner join ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo tb2 on tb1.uid=tb2.uid and tb1.sgroupid > 1) as d) e where e.type='合作' order by e.postdate desc limit 20";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
//$sql = "select * from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo where type='代理' order by postdate desc limit 20";
$sql="select * from(select ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.* from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo inner join (select a.uid,max(postdate) postdate from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo a inner join ".$tableHead."w_members b on a.uid=b.uid where b.sgroupid=1 group by a.uid) c on ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.uid=c.uid and ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo.postdate=c.postdate union all select * from (select tb2.* from ".$tableHead."w_members tb1 inner join ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo tb2 on tb1.uid=tb2.uid and tb1.sgroupid > 1) as d) e where e.type='代理' order by e.postdate desc limit 20";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
$sql = "select * from ".$tableHead."w_productinfo where price != 0 order by postdate desc limit 20";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
//hot images
$sql = "select * from ".$tableHead."w_pbinfo where picture != '' and recommend = 1 order by postDate desc limit 3";
$i = 0;
while ($i<3){
$data = $db->Record;
'style'=>$i?' style="display:none;"':"",
//news list
$cgnewsid = 16;
$ppnewsid = 55;
$yxnewsid = 19;
//cg news
$sql = "select subject,location,newsImage from ".$tableHead."w_article where (fcid = '$cgnewsid' or cid = '$cgnewsid') and newsImage != '' order by bigimg desc,postDate desc limit 1";
$data = $db->Record;
$sql = "select location,subject from ".$tableHead."w_article where fcid = '$cgnewsid' or cid = '$cgnewsid' order by postDate desc limit 12";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
$i ++;
//pp news
$sql = "select subject,location,newsImage from ".$tableHead."w_article where (fcid = '$ppnewsid' or cid = '$ppnewsid') and newsImage != '' order by bigimg desc,postDate desc limit 1";
$data = $db->Record;
$sql = "select location,subject from ".$tableHead."w_article where fcid = '$ppnewsid' or cid = '$ppnewsid' order by postDate desc limit 12";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
$i ++;
//yx news
$sql = "select subject,location,newsImage from ".$tableHead."w_article where (fcid = '$yxnewsid' or cid = '$yxnewsid') and newsImage != '' order by bigimg desc,postDate desc limit 1";
$data = $db->Record;
$sql = "select location,subject from ".$tableHead."w_article where fcid = '$yxnewsid' or cid = '$yxnewsid' order by postDate desc limit 12";
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()){
$data = $db->Record;
'tr'=>$i%2 == 0?"":"",
'tr2'=>$i%2 == 1?"
$i ++;
$menusearch = "t";