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http://china.BagsNet.com   2007-05-06  来源:互连网

20 May 2000

Kee & Co., Ltd

34 Regent Street

London, UK

Dear Sirs:
Due to the rise in the world price of paper, from 1 January of next year, prices for our products are due to increase by 10% across the board.

Since you are a valued customer of long standing, we wish to give you the opportunity to beat the price increases by ordering now at the current prices.

In addition, we are willing to give you a discount of 5% on all orders of more than GB£20,000.

We are aware that you do not have sufficient warehousing for large quantities of reserve stock.. In the circumstances, we would be prepared to hold paper for you to be delivered at your convenience. There will be no charge for warehousing at this end.

We believe that you will see the advantages of this arrangement, which will save you at least 15% on paper purchases in the coming year.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Smith
Chief Seller









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